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Reading- * Study Week 3 Vocabulary for a Week in the Woods- This can be found in the last section of the reading 5 subject spiral. * read AR
Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2017 at 2:10 PM 2 Comments
Day 9 
On September 1st, 2017, we went outside and started prepping to plant fruits and vegetables. We sat at our usual out door tables and filled cartons of dirt mixtures. When we finished filling them, we labeled what we were going to put in them. 
Posted by medillon  On Sep 01, 2017 at 2:51 PM 2 Comments
Day 8 
On August 31st, 2017, we took our first horticulture test. The test was taken on Google Classroom, and went over everything we have learned so far this year. 
Posted by medillon  On Sep 01, 2017 at 2:50 PM 6 Comments
Day 7 
On August 30th, 2017, we discovered different types of soil by feel. We split into teams of three, and each person got a Zip-lock bag. We put sugar in the first bag to represent sand. We put flour in the second to represent silt. And we put a mixture of water and flour to create a doughy substance in the third to represent clay. Each person in the teams felt the bags and then we had a competition. In this competition, students lined up with there teams, felt the "soil" bags, and tried to guess the soil without looking at the bag. Whichever team guessed correctly first won. Toward the end of our 6th Period class, our principal, Mr. Goswick, guessed the soils too.
Posted by medillon  On Sep 01, 2017 at 2:50 PM 1 Comment
Day 6 
On August 29th, 2017, our eighth graders learned about the amount of water soil can hold. Our teachers demonstrated this by wetting a paper towel. When the towel was dripping wet, it demonstrated soil saturation. Once it had stopped dripping, but we could still squeeze some water out of it, the towel was then representing soil capacity. We later learned that we want our soil to be at soil capacity when we grow most plants. This way, our plants won't get over watered, but they also won't wilt or wither from lack of water. When we could no longer squeeze water out of the towels, they had reached wilting point. this is when the plants can no longer get water out of the soil and start to wilt. 
Posted by medillon  On Sep 01, 2017 at 2:49 PM 1 Comment
Day 5 

On August 28th, 2017, we did an activity that taught us what soils hold water better, and what soil combinations would be best to grow plants in. The three soils were silt, sand, and clay. In this activity, we used objects that represented these soils. Sand was big rocks, silt was medium sized rocks, and clay was pebbles. We filtered water through each of these by cutting a two liter bottle of soda horizontally, putting a cup at the bottom of the lower part of the bottle, tying a coffee filter to the lip of the bottle, and turning the lid upside down so that the cup was under the hole and the hole looked like a funnel. In the first part of the project, we split into nine groups and each group was assigned one of the three "soils". We put our "soils" in the funnel, and poured water on them. The groups with "sand" (big rocks) filtered all of their water first. Then the groups with "silt" (medium rocks). Then the groups with "clay" (pebbles) finished. This showed us that the bigger the particles are, the less water it would hold. After that, we combined into three groups and had a competition. The competition was to see which group could put together a "soil" combination that would not filter the water too slow or too fast. The goal was to come in second place. This activity gave us an idea about the type of soil combination that our plants would most-benefit from. 

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Posted by medillon  On Sep 01, 2017 at 2:49 PM 4 Comments
MATH:  PG. 59-60
Posted by sascott  On Aug 31, 2017 at 1:44 PM 7 Comments
MATH:  pg. 54,55,56
Posted by sascott  On Aug 30, 2017 at 9:05 AM 5 Comments
SPELLING: Define all spelling words with a dictionary, picture, or in your own words. MATH: Pages 48, 49, and 50. 
Posted by deanders  On Aug 28, 2017 at 3:27 PM 2 Comments
1. crust 2. pass 3. else 4. skill 5. brag 6. zipper 7. began 8. collar 9. drag 10. smell 11. brick 12. felt 13. spill 14. button 15. held 16. trust 17. kept 18. trick 19. shell 20. begin
Posted by deanders  On Aug 28, 2017 at 3:23 PM 20 Comments
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