Day 4 



On May 18, 2017, we learned a lesson which consisted of a group of five students cutting out a six foot paper water droplet to explain how the water cycle works together. First, the students chose a team leader and then the teachers explained the instructions and the strategies for the activity. The goal of the activity was for the four students to stand on the water droplet without touching the concrete. The students had to completely flip over the water droplet while standing on it. After the water droplet was flipped over, the students had to identify the words on the back: percolation, condensation, transpiration, and precipitation. The activity represented many things such as: working together as a team, the way the water cycle works together, and the art of communication. Also, we worked on the compost bin for the greenhouse.

Posted by medillon On 12 September, 2017 at 1:25 PM  2 Comments

Sarah Love (Guest) said On 14 March, 2024 at 1:29 AM
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<a href="">google</a> (Guest) said On 25 December, 2019 at 11:53 PM
Nice post  
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